๐๏ธ get User for UUID
get User for UUID
๐๏ธ update User
update User
๐๏ธ enable User for given UUID
enable User for given UUID
๐๏ธ delete User
delete User
๐๏ธ Update User for Partner
Update User for Partner
๐๏ธ update User Invite
update User Invite
๐๏ธ Update source for session
Update source for session
๐๏ธ validate OTP for user
validate OTP for user
๐๏ธ update User validity for given UUID
update User validity for given UUID
๐๏ธ create session for user
create session for user
๐๏ธ End all session for user
End all session for user
๐๏ธ resets user password
resets user password
๐๏ธ Get the value of a specific preference given a UserUUID
Get the value of a specific preference given a UserUUID
๐๏ธ Update the value of a specific preference for a UserUUID
Update the value of a specific preference for a UserUUID
๐๏ธ Add Or Edit MultiStore for a user
Add Or Edit MultiStore for a user
๐๏ธ Return dealerAssociateList if it exists based on userUuid. Return null if DealerAssociate does not exist
Return dealerAssociateList if it exists based on userUuid. Return null if DealerAssociate does not exist
๐๏ธ Incremental update user with features to add and remove
Incremental update user with features to add and remove
๐๏ธ saves user profile
saves user profile
๐๏ธ validate user and send OTP
validate user and send OTP
๐๏ธ validate User with UserName and Password and return User
validate User with UserName and Password and return User
๐๏ธ validate User with OTP and return User
validate User with OTP and return User
๐๏ธ Update password of User
Update password of User
๐๏ธ Creates Session from OTC(one time code)
Creates Session from OTC(one time code)
๐๏ธ Create User for Partner
Create User for Partner
๐๏ธ Update the rollout stages for users
Update the rollout stages for users
๐๏ธ Create User
Create User
๐๏ธ get UserInviteStatus for userUUID
get UserInviteStatus for userUUID
๐๏ธ Get the rollout stage for user
Get the rollout stage for user
๐๏ธ gets valid dealerToRole map for valid user
gets valid dealerToRole map for valid user
๐๏ธ Check if user is locked out
Check if user is locked out
๐๏ธ Unlock a user
Unlock a user
๐๏ธ get last login timestamp for userUUID
get last login timestamp for userUUID
๐๏ธ Check to see if a User has the feature in question
Check to see if a User has the feature in question
๐๏ธ gets One time Code (OTC) for a user
gets One time Code (OTC) for a user
๐๏ธ get User UUID for UserName (Includes Invalid and Not Migrated Users)
get User UUID for UserName (Includes Invalid and Not Migrated Users)
๐๏ธ Check if user present
Check if user present
๐๏ธ validate User with UserName and Password
validate User with UserName and Password
๐๏ธ get sessionInfo for sessionID
get sessionInfo for sessionID
๐๏ธ get session for sessionID
get session for sessionID
๐๏ธ End session for sessionID
End session for sessionID
๐๏ธ get Users for Pin
get Users for Pin
๐๏ธ get dealerInfo for UUID
get dealerInfo for UUID
๐๏ธ get User list for dealerUuid
get User list for dealerUuid
๐๏ธ get User UUID for latestInviteDate (Includes Invalid and Not Migrated Users)
get User UUID for latestInviteDate (Includes Invalid and Not Migrated Users)
๐๏ธ Purge Cache for Users
Purge Cache for Users