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Update operations for a dealer

This function updates operations for a dealer in a Java application.

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required

    The dealerUUID parameter in the updateOperations method represents the unique identifier of the dealer for whom the operations are being updated. It is extracted from the path variable in the URL.

Query Parameters
    isBulkEdit boolean required

    The isBulkEdit parameter in the updateOperations method is a boolean flag that indicates whether the update operation is a bulk edit or not. It is a required parameter, meaning that it must be provided in the request for the method to be executed successfully. In the method signature, it

Request Body required

The updateOperationsRequest parameter in the updateOperations method is of type UpdateOperationsRequest. It is a request object that contains the data needed to update operations for a dealer. This object likely includes information such as the operations to be updated, the requester user UUID, and any other

    requesterUserUUID string
    operationDTO object
    laborOpCode string
    opCodeName string
    description string
    totalPrice string
    opCodeDurationInMinutes string
    isValid boolean
    uuid string
    inMobileService boolean
    inOnlineScheduler boolean
    communicationCode string
    payType string
    inServiceCart boolean
    inDealerAppScheduler boolean
    dmsDescription string
    laborPrice string
    dmsLaborPrice string
    partsPrice string
    dmsPartsPrice string
    taxAmount string
    dmsTaxAmount string
    dmsTotalPrice string
    sortOrder int64
    correction string
    cause string
    soldHours double
    dispatchCode string
    comebackFlag boolean
    usagePercentile int64
    position int32
    leadTimeInMinutes int64
    isIndexed boolean
    isDefault boolean
    notes string
    serviceType string
    serviceTypeServiceCart string
    recallId string
    vehicleMileageConfigDTOList object[]
  • Array [
  • brandDTO object
    id int64
    name string
    motorsMakeId int32
    motorsMakeName string
    year string
    model string
    trim string
    engine string
    mileageUuid string
    uuid string
    motorsBaseVehicleId string
    motorsEngineId string
    isValid boolean
  • ]
  • dailyLimitConfigDTOList object[]
  • Array [
  • dayNumber int32
    dayLimit int32
  • ]
  • pullEstimateInSC boolean
    miscPrice string
    useDmsPrice boolean
    showDmsPriceMismatchWarning boolean
    noPartsNeeded boolean
    inCheckIn boolean
    quickOpLiteUuid string
    invoiceLineList undefined[]
    menuName string
    operationType string


    dealerUuid string
    isCustomConcern boolean
    taxonomyId int32
    severityFlag string
    isSeverityNormal boolean
    isSeveritySevere boolean
    notesSevere string[]
    notesNormal string[]
    motorsOperationName string
    mileage int64
    motorsMake string
    motorsMakeId int32
    totalPriceForConversion number
    customMenuUuidToParentQuickOpLiteUuidMap object
    property name* string
    quickOpLiteUuidList string[]
    factoryMenuToParentQuickOpLiteUuidMap object
    property name* string

A ResponseEntity containing an UpdateOperationsResponse object is being returned.

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorName string
    errorMessage string
    errorCode int32
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • statusCode int32
    apiRequestId string
    customMenuUuidList string[]
    quickOpLiteUuidList string[]
    motorDealerOperationUuidList string[]